Planned Giving

Building for tomorrow’s healthcare today


Planned Giving is an increasingly attractive alternative which can benefit you, the hospital and future generations. Planned Giving is a long-term approach to supporting Timmins and District Hospital through the Foundation. It has the potential to offer you significant tax benefits while maintaining financial security for you and your family and the ability to make a larger gift that might otherwise not be possible. Planned Giving offers TADH a measure of security, a lifelong relationship with donors and an enhanced capability to undertake larger scale projects.

A Planned Gift is one that is promised now but often is not realized until some time in the future. These gifts include bequests, life insurance policies, marketable securities, annuities and real estate. Each of these gifts offers the potential for significant tax advantages. Your support will enhance the Foundation’s ability to help provide the high quality healthcare our community deserves and expects.

Benefits of Planned Giving:

  1. Leave a Legacy.  Through a planned gift you will be remembered for years to come.
  2. You Have a Say.  Planned gifts can be earmarked to a cause that is close to your heart.
  3. Sizeable Tax Breaks.  A planned gift can reduce income tax and help avoid/reduce capital gains.
  4. Larger Gifts are Possible.  Through the use of planned giving tools, a planned gift can be larger than a traditional donation.
  5. Help Ensure the Future Stability of TADH.  A planned gift will help ensure quality healthcare at TADH for generations to come.

Types of Planned Gifts:

When considering a Planned Gift, we recommend that you consult with your own legal and financial advisors about the applicability of your situation. For more information about Planned Giving, please contact the TADH Foundation office.